Roanoke Valley Paralegal Association cordially invites you to join us for our Annual Holiday Social!
WHEN: December 11, 2024
TIME: 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M.
WHERE: Appalachian Room at Hotel Roanoke
PRICE: $30 – RVPA members
$35 – non-members
$25 – student members
Please bring a guest!
RVPA members, along with their guests, will gather together in the Appalachian Room at Hotel Roanoke for a fun afternoon of food, socializing, and lots of Holiday Cheer!
Menu Options
Entrees (choose one):
Chicken Supreme (gluten-free) – roast tomato, asparagus, mushroom, creamy pan sauce, parmesan, fresh herbs.
Seared Filet of Salmon (gluten-free) – salmon filet with a lemongrass buerre blanc sauce.
Vegan Hoppin’ Jeff – (vegan, gluten-free) – Carolina gold rice, braised collard greens, black-eyed peas, smoked pecans.
Chocolate mousse brownie covered in chocolate sauce
Iced water
Iced tea
We will have a brief ceremony to swear in the newly elected 2025 Officers and Board members, followed by holiday-themed games and a drawing for lots of great door prizes!
Each attendee at the Holiday Social will receive a free door prize ticket, so everyone has a chance to be a winner! Each attendee will also receive a free cookie as a thank-you-for-attending!
RVPA’s Holiday Charity
It’s that time of year again! Each year, RVPA selects a charity or charities that serve our local community to receive donations of money and items from our members.
During the course of the year, RVPA’s Community Relations Committee takes up a collection of change at each monthly Lunch & Learn (the “Cash Caddy”) that the committee then donates or uses to purchase much-needed items for the chosen charity for that year.
This year, the Community Relations Committee is providing our members with an opportunity to give back to our community by supporting Ducks on a Mission.
The Community Relations Committee will take up a final collection at the Holiday Social, for donation from RVPA to Ducks on a Mission.
RVPA would like to thank Slovensky Divorce and Family Law for their generous offer to sponsor our Holiday Social!
Please RSVP by using the form below. You may at the door by cash, check, or credit/debit card, or you may prepay online via PayPal: