In 1999, RVPA became an associate member of the National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA). NALA is the leading professional association for legal assistants and paralegals across the United States, which provides continuing education and professional development programs for paralegals nation wide.
Mission Statement:
“The National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) is the leading paralegal association in the U.S. Its mission is to provide continuing education and professional development programs to all paralegals.
NALA provides current information about the profession, continuing education programs (publications, courses and webinars), networking opportunities, professional certification programs, occupational survey reports, and publications to help paralegals excel in the workplace.”
About NALA:
NALA was incorporated in 1975, is a non-profit organization 501(c)(6) and is currently composed of over 18,000 paralegals, through individual members and its 90 state and local affiliated associations, of which RVPA is proud to be a part.
As an associated member of NALA, RVPA is afforded the opportunity to keep abreast on the latest happenings in the paralegal profession. We are informed on regulation and or licensure issues in states like California, Maine, Indiana, Florida, Texas and Hawaii. This information is vital to RVPA, and VAPA as these organizations push to keep Virginia up to speed on professional issues relating to the paralegal profession and work to regulate the paralegal profession in Virginia.
Certified Paralegal (CP)
Established in 1976 the Certified Paralegal (CP) program has enabled the profession to develop a strong and responsive self-regulatory program offering a nationwide credential for paralegals.
The CP program establishes and serves as a :
– National professional standard for paralegals.
– Means of identifying those who have reached this standard.
– Credentialing program responsive to the needs of paralegals and responsive to the fact that this form of self-regulation is necessary to strengthen and expand development of this career field.
– Positive, ongoing, voluntary program to encourage the growth of the paralegal profession, attesting to and encouraging a high level of achievement.
RVPA has copies of the NALA Certification Textbooks to lend out if you are interested in working toward and taking the CP exam.
To request to borrow the books or with other questions about NALA contact RVAP representative to NALA, Pamela Robertson.
For more information regarding NALA and their certification process, please visit their website www.NALA.org or check them out on Facebook.